July Change for Change: Food Co-op Initiative

Our July Change for Change recipient is Food Co-op Initiative!

Food Co-op Initiative [FCIpaves the way for new food co-op excellence, leading to well-fed and healthier communities with local control and connections.

The pilot project that would later become FCI was designed to test the theory that new retail food co-ops could open more quickly and successfully with appropriate guidance. Launched by a group of visionary co-op supporters in 2005, Food Co-op 500 began by offering development grants and peer support to groups starting new food co-ops in diverse settings.

Today, FCI works to improve the success and sustainability of new food cooperatives that deliver healthier food to diverse communities across the U.S., providing them with information, training, technical assistance, and other support. They conduct research to blaze, maintain and improve the development path for new food co-ops. Since FCI's founding, over 175 new retail food co-ops have opened in the United States, generating nearly $640 million in annual revenues. As of 2023, they work with over 95 start-up groups and get calls from more every week.

To learn more, click here: www.fci.coop


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