FREE Workshop: Homeopathy for Digestive Health

Wednesday, 5/17/2023

FREE Virtual Workshop:
Homeopathy for Digestive Health

with Abby Beale
Nationally Certified Classical Homeopath

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 • 7pm – 8pm

Click Here to Register!

Sometimes we don't digest as well as we would like due to overeating, food poisoning, viruses, emotional issues and more.  As a result, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, gas, etc. In this webinar, we will look at possible homeopathic solutions for many of these issues. Join Abby to learn more about remedies for your pressing digestive concerns.


Learn more about Abby and homeopathy by watching the video above, or click here to check out her website:

*This webinar is for educational purposes only, and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  The content and any information presented is not intended to replace personal medical care from a licensed healthcare practitioner. Please consult your health care practitioner for any serious condition.



Abby Beale became interested in homeopathy over 20 years ago when her nine-month-old son had repeated ear infections with no relief after many antibiotics. One trip to a homeopath and the infections were resolved. This amazingly curious event got her interested in learning more and she began reading about homeopathy. Along with the expert guidance of a qualified homeopath, she treated her family and eventually studied to become a nationally certified classical homeopath (CCH).

She served on the board of The National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) from 2012-2020, as conference chair for 2015 and 2016, and Board President from 2017-2019. She served because she is passionate about educating people about homeopathy and was excited about the organization’s growth and consumer outreach.

While on the board of NCH, she served as Education Committee Chair where she worked with over 40 volunteers – homeopaths, naturopaths, parents, home prescribers, etc. – to create a new 300+ page study guide called Homeopathy 101: Using a Homeopathic Kit at Home. This book is currently being used for my study groups.

In addition to her homeopathic practice and board work, she also manages a speed reading company called Rev It Up Reading, which offers in-person and online speed reading education. She has authored several speed-reading books and one on study skills. She had been a longtime member of The National Speakers Association where she honed her public speaking skills for her businesses. She served on the board of her local library for 10 years including a two-year stint as board president.

Abby is happily married with two adult sons. Abby enjoys Master’s swimming, walking, yoga, and reading as time allows.

Check out these resources to learn more about Abby:

Location: Online - Follow the Registration Link!

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