Change for Change Program

Our Change for Change Program!

Heres how it works: Each time you shop at River Valley Co-op, a friendly co-op cashier will ask if you'd like to donate to Change for Change. This rounds your bill to the nearest dollar, with all of the change going to one organization in our community each month.

This Month's Recipient Is...

Vote Today November's Recipient now!


Nominate a nonprofit:

Want to help a nonprofit in our area? Nominate a local nonprofit serving our community in areas of social justice, education, or environmental protection! 

To nominate a local nonprofit for our Change for Change donations, complete a nomination form at the customer service desk or fill out the form below. 
Nominations are due by the 20th of each month. Only one nomination is needed to get into the voting rounds. To vote, use the link pco-op weekly news or in the embedded form visible on this webpage during voting. 

  • Voting is completed by the 29th of each month.
  • Nominations are due by the 20th of each month.
  • Donation collections begin on the 1st of each month.

Please Note: Only co-op owners are eligible to nominate organizations and to vote on recipients! One vote per membership. However, all co-op shoppers will have the option to donate at the register.


Months that are open for voting are...