Change for Change Program!

Here's how it works...

Each time you shop at River Valley Co-op, a friendly co-op cashier will ask if you'd like to donate to Change for Change. This rounds your bill to the nearest dollar, with all of the change going to one organization in our community each month.




March Change for Change: Easthampton Neighbors

Easthampton Neighbors is a member-driven nonprofit organization that provides volunteer support services and assistance programs for Easthampton seniors to sustain independent, active, and engaged lives at home. They envision a society where all stages of life offer meaningful opportunities for growth, connection, and joy—where people of all backgrounds and economic means can age with dignity, purpose, and self-determination.

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February Change for Change: Valley Community Development

Our February Change for Change recipients is Valley Community Development! This nonprofit has served our community for 35 years by creating and preserving affordable housing, helping small businesses, and making first-time homeownership a reality for our neighbors.

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January Change for Change: Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture [CISA]

Our January Change for Change recipient is Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture, also known locally as CISA! CISA strengthens farms and engages the community to build the local food economy. They began their work over 25 years ago, and thousands of people in our region have contributed to their success and impact...

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December Change for Change: Friends of Hampshire County Homeless

Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals helps homeless people in Hampshire County live with dignity by providing emergency shelter and related services, creating housing, and advocating for the homeless...

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November Change for Change: People's Medicine Project

People’s Medicine Project is a social justice project that seeks to address community health disparities by increasing access to alternative healing. They envision an inclusive culture of wellness, based on an empowered connection to personal health, the earth, and each other...

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